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Relationships : Transforming Archetypes by Marina Valcarenghi read ebook FB2, TXT, MOBI


The author expounds on C. G. Jung's concept of the existence of both masculine and feminine archetypes that manifest in the psyche of men and women. She uses the symbolism of the myths of Ariadne and Theseus, and Demeter and Kore to explain why and how the conscious feminine ego must fall in love with its own masculine traits of the unconscious in order to achieve integration and the same applies for the masculine ego and its feminine unconscious traits. Index, bibliography., This text is an examination of the masculine and feminine archetypes that affect how and whether we allow important relationships. The common belief is that masculinity leans towards thought, the spirit and to culture, while the feminine is linked to matter, to biological fecundity and to nature. This paradigm - which sends us out looking for completeness in another rather than in ourselves - is challenged by the author's premise that drives toward nature and culture are present in men and women, but manifest themselves differently in each sex.

Book Relationships : Transforming Archetypes by Marina Valcarenghi in DOC, EPUB, FB2