Download Agent Tate : The Wartime Story of Harry Williamson by Tommy Jonason in EPUB, FB2, DJV
9781445608648 English 1445608642 * B-format paperback of hardback published in 2011, rave review from NIGEL WEST: 'Before ZIGZAG there was TATE, the double agent who helped start MI5Žs wartime deception campaign. A compelling story of loyalty, deceit and intrigue' will appear on the front cover. * Amberley is also publisher of the critically acclaimed Spooks: The Unofficial History of MI5 ('Definitive and comprehensive' THES).* Ben Macintyre's AGENT ZIGZAG was a Number 1 bestseller, agent TATE is even more interesting and had a much longer World War II spying career* Interest in the British Secret Service has never been more intense, see the success of Agent ZIGZAG, the continuing popularity of James Bond and the phenomenally successful BBC TV series Spooks.This is the Second World War career of the longest serving double agent in the Double Cross system, Harry Williamson. Harry operated from September 1940 to the end of war after initially being parachuted into England by the Nazi secret service, the Abwehr. He was quickly caught and taken to Camp 020 for interrogation by the team led by the famous Colonel 'Tin-Eye' Stephens. He eventually agreed to work as a double agent with the cover name TATE and went on to send more than a thousand messages during the war for the Double Cross organization, who's aim was to supply disinformation to the Nazi regime. Harry took part in the famous D-Day deception, provided the Nazis with misinformation about the damage caused by the V1 and V2 rockets and misled the German Navy with faulty intelligence over U-boat minefields, critical to the success of British convoys. After the war he settled in Watford and worked as a photographer. He was almost completely anonymous (although still protected by MI5), partly through fear of revenge, until his name was revealed in the 1990s., B-format paperback of hardback published in 2011, rave review from NIGEL WEST: 'Before ZIGZAG there was TATE, the double agent who helped start MI5's wartime deception campaign. A compelling story of loyalty, deceit and intrigue' will appear on the front cover. Amberley is also publisher of the critically acclaimed Spooks: The Unofficial History of MI5 ('Definitive and comprehensive' THES). Ben Macintyre's AGENT ZIGZAG was a Number 1 bestseller, agent TATE is even more interesting and had a much longer World War II spying career Interest in the British Secret Service has never been more intense, see the success of Agent ZIGZAG, the continuing popularity of James Bond and the phenomenally successful BBC TV series Spooks. This is the Second World War career of the longest serving double agent in the Double Cross system, Harry Williamson. Harry operated from September 1940 to the end of war after initially being parachuted into England by the Nazi secret service, the Abwehr. He was quickly caught and taken to Camp 020 for interrogation by the team led by the famous Colonel 'Tin-Eye' Stephens. He eventually agreed to work as a double agent with the cover name TATE and went on to send more than a thousand messages during the war for the Double Cross organization, who's aim was to supply disinformation to the Nazi regime. Harry took part in the famous D-Day deception, provided the Nazis with misinformation about the damage caused by the V1 and V2 rockets and misled the German Navy with faulty intelligence over U-boat minefields, critical to the success of British convoys. After the war he settled in Watford and worked as a photographer. He was almost completely anonymous (although still protected by MI5), partly through fear of revenge, until his name was revealed in the 1990s.
9781445608648 English 1445608642 * B-format paperback of hardback published in 2011, rave review from NIGEL WEST: 'Before ZIGZAG there was TATE, the double agent who helped start MI5Žs wartime deception campaign. A compelling story of loyalty, deceit and intrigue' will appear on the front cover. * Amberley is also publisher of the critically acclaimed Spooks: The Unofficial History of MI5 ('Definitive and comprehensive' THES).* Ben Macintyre's AGENT ZIGZAG was a Number 1 bestseller, agent TATE is even more interesting and had a much longer World War II spying career* Interest in the British Secret Service has never been more intense, see the success of Agent ZIGZAG, the continuing popularity of James Bond and the phenomenally successful BBC TV series Spooks.This is the Second World War career of the longest serving double agent in the Double Cross system, Harry Williamson. Harry operated from September 1940 to the end of war after initially being parachuted into England by the Nazi secret service, the Abwehr. He was quickly caught and taken to Camp 020 for interrogation by the team led by the famous Colonel 'Tin-Eye' Stephens. He eventually agreed to work as a double agent with the cover name TATE and went on to send more than a thousand messages during the war for the Double Cross organization, who's aim was to supply disinformation to the Nazi regime. Harry took part in the famous D-Day deception, provided the Nazis with misinformation about the damage caused by the V1 and V2 rockets and misled the German Navy with faulty intelligence over U-boat minefields, critical to the success of British convoys. After the war he settled in Watford and worked as a photographer. He was almost completely anonymous (although still protected by MI5), partly through fear of revenge, until his name was revealed in the 1990s., B-format paperback of hardback published in 2011, rave review from NIGEL WEST: 'Before ZIGZAG there was TATE, the double agent who helped start MI5's wartime deception campaign. A compelling story of loyalty, deceit and intrigue' will appear on the front cover. Amberley is also publisher of the critically acclaimed Spooks: The Unofficial History of MI5 ('Definitive and comprehensive' THES). Ben Macintyre's AGENT ZIGZAG was a Number 1 bestseller, agent TATE is even more interesting and had a much longer World War II spying career Interest in the British Secret Service has never been more intense, see the success of Agent ZIGZAG, the continuing popularity of James Bond and the phenomenally successful BBC TV series Spooks. This is the Second World War career of the longest serving double agent in the Double Cross system, Harry Williamson. Harry operated from September 1940 to the end of war after initially being parachuted into England by the Nazi secret service, the Abwehr. He was quickly caught and taken to Camp 020 for interrogation by the team led by the famous Colonel 'Tin-Eye' Stephens. He eventually agreed to work as a double agent with the cover name TATE and went on to send more than a thousand messages during the war for the Double Cross organization, who's aim was to supply disinformation to the Nazi regime. Harry took part in the famous D-Day deception, provided the Nazis with misinformation about the damage caused by the V1 and V2 rockets and misled the German Navy with faulty intelligence over U-boat minefields, critical to the success of British convoys. After the war he settled in Watford and worked as a photographer. He was almost completely anonymous (although still protected by MI5), partly through fear of revenge, until his name was revealed in the 1990s.